Intro to HD Reading


New to Human Design?

This is where you want to start!


What is covered in this reading?


We will cover your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile during this 60 minute reading.

Type - will help you learn more about how your energy is designed to be.

Strategy - will help you learn how to best move through life with your energy type.

Authority - will help you confidently make aligned decisions.

Profile - will help you learn more about your personality and the roles you are here to play.

What will I receive from this reading?


This will be a 60 minute reading done via Google Meet.

Afterwards, you will receive a custom Human Design Summary, which will include key information that we went over during the reading as well as exercises to help you connect to your Human Design.

You will also learn how best to make decisions for you (hint: it does not include using your mind).

You may also feel understood in a new way. Like everything you always knew deep down, has always been right.

What is the investment?


$111 USD


How do I book my reading?


“Your heart is always right.

The time is always now.”

~ Amanda Frances